Tuesday, August 11, 2009


We have been very fortunate to have 9 1/2 month old twins that have not really gotten sick. We have had a few sniffles here and there, but not really anything dire. Well, that all changed last Friday. My daughter Ainsley had been pretty clingy that day and felt a little warm but we are all always "a little warm" because it's summer in Texas and no matter how much you run that a/c, you are always "a little warm". I didn't really think much about it. Goodness knows I was sweating!

That evening when my husband got home, I had just finished feeding Ainsley and she was just laying in my lap. Believe me, I was taking advantage of this because she is very active and hardly ever let's me hold her like a baby anymore so I was loving every minute of it. My husband immediately thought something was wrong because he knows she never sits still long enough for the cuddling so we took her tempereature and it was 100 degrees. I thought she was just teething again because she usually gets a little temperature when she teethes so we gave her some Tylenol and kept an eye on her until she went to bed.

We checked on her at 10pm and took her temp which was now up to 102. I immediately called the doctor and when he called I explained that she really did not have any other symptoms except the temperature. He thought it might be a urinary tract infection, but wanted us to take her to the E.R. At this point I remembered that there is another baby asleep in his crib so only one of us can go and the other has to stay home.

My husband decided he would take her and I would stay home and pace the floor with worry. He promised to call as soon as he knew something. He took her to a children's hospital and they got her in immediately thankfully and tested her for what they also thought was a u.t.i. At this point her fever was 104. They took off her pajamas(left her bear in her hands of course or else there would have been a riot) and gave her pedialite and motrin. Her temperature started coming down and they ran the tests which of course took until Tuesday to get the results, but still gave her antibiotics. They finally got home around 1:30am and she's wide awake wanting to play. She loves to stay up late and so she thought she would just rock it out and have a party then while we decompressed from stress and worry. A lovely sight I'm sure!
It has been a little crazy here because we were having a barbecue the next day for Philip's birthday, but she was feeling better then. Her fever still went up a little, but nothing like it did thank goodness.
It is the most helpless feeling when a child gets sick and there is nothing you can do. Thank goodness we caught it quickly and she is feeling better now and nearly back to herself. She is already back to stealing Anders' toys so we know she is on the mend. The one good thing out of all of this is that she was not contagious so at least Anders will not get sick. We know that is coming, but it is nice to prolong it as long as possible.
Kiss your babies and thank God for them daily. I know we do!!

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