Monday, March 29, 2010

It's a Monday

I don't have a traditional 9 to 5 job where I leave the house and commute so I don't really regret Mondays or look forward to Fridays. I really don't have weekends or are ever off duty so when people bemoan Mondays, I used to laugh at that and say that I am so glad I at least don't have that to deal with. I am paying for that today.

This morning my kids woke up happy as usual and were playing in their cribs. Anders was jumping around and doing somersaults like he usually does. When I finally wrangled him out of his crib, I went to change him and noticed that he was very wet and had gotten his PJ pants wet so I figured I would just change his diaper and let him run around with his PJ top on and just a diaper until I could change Ainsley and his sheets. What could that hurt right? WRONG! After I had changed Ainsley and his sheets and they had their morning milk, I went in the living room to find them huddled together. Let me just say that this is never a good sign for twins. You know they are up to something. I went to see what was going on when I see that Anders is sitting on a book , reading another book without a diaper on. Yes, panic mode set in and the nightmare for all mothers had come true. They had somehow removed Anders' diaper and he either just pooped right there on the floor or dumped it out of his diaper, not sure which. It doesn't really matter because either way is just beyond words awful for a neat freak like me.

After my initial shock and near puking, I see that Ainsley is playing in the poop like it's a toy and has now eaten some. If you just threw up in your mouths after reading this, you are in the same boat as me! I rush to figure out where to start first so I run to get a bag and some wipes to pick up the diaper. I jump in and clean up Ainsley who is crying now, probably because I have freaked her out with my flipping out and puking noises. I then try to get all the other residual poop off the floor while Anders sits there quietly on the book while reading the other one.

I finally get around to Anders and change him into another diaper and definitely pants. He at this point thinks this is all very funny. It probably is funny when you are not the one who is scrubbing your children's mouth, hands and floor to rid the living room of poop. UGH!

Needless to say, I apologize to all of you commuters who gripe about Mondays! I am right there with you. Hurry up Friday!! Happy Monday everyone! This poops for you!

Monday, March 22, 2010


OK OK, I know what a slacker I have been on this blog! Ick! I am now going to try to be diligent on my blogging. Can't promise, but will definately try!

The kids are 17 months now and our life is just joyful chaos most of the time. They are walking and all over the place, especially Anders who bypassed walking and just went to running. Yes, my child is black and blue because his feet don't always keep up with the rest of his body, but it is fun to try to keep up with him. They are beginning to talk more which is always fun to try to decipher what comes out of their mouths. Usually it all sounds like bye bye.

My daughter, Ainsley is a little copy cat sponge. She imitates us all the time, especially her Dad. It is so funny to watch her try to be a grown up at 17 months old.

The key to my life is of course organization. I have to be very scheduled and organized or all of my juggling balls will fall to the ground. Luckily, I have always been a little obsessively organized so it just shifted into my mother work. When expectant twin Moms ask me one thing that would help them, I always say that they absolutely HAVE to keep them on a schedule or they will go crazy.(Both parents and babies!) When I was pregnant people always told me it would get easier so I always looked forward to that fact. That is not always the case. My kids are now mobile so it is easier on some levels, but harder on others so maybe it evens out in the long run.

I think the one thing most Mom's want is that they give their kids a better life than what they had. Well, I had a pretty great childhood so that's a tall order, but I work on it daily. I don't always give my kids everything and I don't always solve their problems for them. My one big hope is that they grow up to know who they are and take responsibility for their own lives.

So until next time....Thanks for bearing with me and check back soon for better updates!